Tuesday, April 12, 2011

day 292... 3 Ingredient Success

Soooooo.... this morning I was so intently focused on getting out to the chicken coop, that I completely forgot to put supper in the crockpot. The day flew by rather quickly and before I knew it, it was suppertime and I was in a panic. Someone suggested mac and cheese, but we had pasta just last night. So, I did the next best thing. One small box of instant brown rice, a box of of Kraft Deluxe Cheese, and Spam. I cooked the rice as directed on the box. When it was ready, I stirred the diced up cheese in and put a lid on it. While the cheese was melting, I lightly browned the diced Spam in a skillet. I stirred the meat-like substance into the cheesy rice, and voila... supper success!