Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 1..... raspberry peach crisp with vanilla ice cream

So when my husband went to the store on Sunday to get newspapers, he took the 6 year old princess with him. And she likes to shop. And she loves fruit. He brought home a bit more than he went for. Among the treasures was a lovely little box of beautiful raspberries. After much deliberation, we chose this crisp. It was simple to make, but not simple in taste. The 17 year old daughter scalded the peaches in boiling water to peel them while I took out the pits and sliced them. We mixed in the fresh raspberries and the wait was on for it to bake. To make it even more fun and pleasing to look at, we baked it in one of my large cast iron skillets. We had cut into before I had a chance to take a picture, so this is what was left. Will post the recipe tomorrow.

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